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BDBN versus reversionary pension showdown! Who will win?

BDBN versus reversionary pension showdown! Who will win?

BDBN versus reversionary pension – ever wondered which takes priority between a binding death benefit nomination and a reversionary pension? Not sure when to make a binding death benefit nomination?  Check out my post If you’re looking for a comprehensive decision tree about when to use a binding death benefit nomination, check out my Estate […]

Transferring assets to achieve asset protection? Don’t forget about the Bankruptcy Act clawback rules!

Transferring assets to achieve asset protection? Don’t forget about the Bankruptcy Act clawback rules!

Are you thinking about transferring assets with the aim of improving asset protection? Don’t forget about the Bankruptcy Act clawback periods which can permit the trustee in bankruptcy to unwind the transaction after it occurs, which could undermine the effectiveness of the transaction. A word of advice – don’t let the clawback periods deter you […]